Ring in the Year of the Rabbit with Re:ZERO Rem and Emilia Elegant Beauty Figures
Both are available for pre-order from KADOKAWA's KDcolleRem and Emilia are already elegant beauties, but now it's official! A new pair of figures from KADOKAWA's KDcolle brand features the Re:ZERO heroines in glided dresses and accessories. Find out where to pre-order yours after the jump!

Rem and Emilia are already elegant beauties, but now it's official!
A new pair of figures from KADOKAWA's KDcolle brand features the Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- heroines in glided dresses and accessories. Both are perched on desks draped with equally elegant fabric.
Emilia holds a fan and is wrapped in a fur-lined cape:
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And Rem poses with ribbons and a cheerful rabbit—the latter in honor of the incoming Year of the Rabbit:
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The two figures link up at the base to create an elegant tableau:
The 1/7-scale figures are now available for pre-order—Emilia for 27,258 yen, and Rem for 24,948 yen. Pre-orders close on February 8, 2023 and are scheduled for delivery in March.
Source: Anime! Anime!
Watch Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- on Crunchyroll!
© Tappei Nagatsuki, published by KADOKAWA Co., Ltd. / Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- 2 Production Committee
Kara Dennison is an author of fiction and non-fiction, avid tabletop gamer, and regular Otaku USA Magazine features writer. Follow her on Twitter @RubyCosmos, and read more at KaraDennison.com.