Demiurge VA Masayuki Katou Announces the Birth of His 1st Child
"My age may have reached level 50, but my father level is 1"Voice actor Masayuki Katou announced on his personal Ameblo blog on May 27 that his first child was born earlier that day. Katou is best known as the voice of Demiurge in the Overlord and ISEKAI QUARTET series'. Read on for more!

Voice actor Masayuki Katou announced on his personal Ameblo blog on May 27 that his first child was born earlier that day. Katou is best known as the voice of Demiurge in the Overlord and ISEKAI QUARTET series', as well as the voice of Kiyomasa Senji in Deadman Wonderland. Katou said on his blog that he wanted to "thank my wife and children from the bottom of my heart for their great work."
Photo of Masayuki Katou from his agency's website
Katou, who turned 50 years old this year, went on to say that "my age may have reached level 50, but my father level is 1." "I am acutely aware that a person does not become a parent by simply having a child, but that is why I wish to show what it means to be a responsible parent as a human being."
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Congratulations to Katou and his wife on the safe birth!
Source: Masayuki Katou on Twitter
Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs the YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram.