Jackbox Party Pack 8 Arrives This Fall

Are you finally getting tired of some of Jackbox Party Pack 7's games? No? Yeah, me neither. But just in case you were, the next chapter of party packing is on the way, as Jackbox Party Pack 8 has been announced for this fall. There's absolutely no indication of what kind of games are going to be rolling out with this pack, but there has been a large amount of turtles shown in all of the teaser materials and imagery. So... there might be a game in this pack about turtles. I like turtles. The Jackbox Party Pack 8 is coming this fall to major digital platforms! Learn more

Jackbox Party Pack 8 Arrives This Fall

Are you finally getting tired of some of Jackbox Party Pack 7's games? No? Yeah, me neither. But just in case you were, the next chapter of party packing is on the way, as Jackbox Party Pack 8 has been announced for this fall. There's absolutely no indication of what kind of games are going to be rolling out with this pack, but there has been a large amount of turtles shown in all of the teaser materials and imagery. So... there might be a game in this pack about turtles. I like turtles.